Sacred Art Clothing in action with Noa Lakshmi

Watch the Sacred Art Clothing in action with our favorite Yogi, Noa Lakshmi (and enjoy the amazing class she offers!) Learn more about Kundalini Yoga and Noa Lakshmi To get a copy of her  book –  ‘Master your Life with Love’ Find Noa  on Instagram SACRED ART CLOTHING


Use Negative People to Empower Yourself

We all have people that come into our daily life that really challenge us. They may make us feel drained, feel bad, put us down, make us upset and much more. It may be family, a boss, a friend, etc. etc. This is a struggle that we all experience. Often times, it’s hard to make…


Changing Stress into Magical Possibilities!

For the average adult, our lives are a never ending swirl of stressful triggers and challenging situations. We might get our time away through yoga, meditation, out in nature, etc… but then we come back to our daily life full of challenges. What our modern society accepts as a standard amount of stress is usually…


Change Your Internal World, Change Your Life: Internal is Primary

If you’ve thought about taking action to redesign your life, it will be helpful for you to know that this journey will ask you to engage with the external world in interesting and challenging ways. You will face and overcome adversity and find inspiration in people, places, opportunities, situations, and even challenges. Your path will…


Part 4 – The Work

Now that you have the foundation and the vision, it’s time to create! These parts can be challenging, but one must keep in focus the higher vision and goal. Allow that to permeate your mind as you develop and expand these below systems. Remember, they are the channels in which your vision will be created.…


Part 3- Building the Foundation

Now that you’ve created a vision and you are ready to hold your focus on it, you must begin building the foundation to bring this vision into reality. This process can be overwhelming, so it is helpful to break it down into sections with lots of notetaking along the way. An organized outline of your…


Part 2 – Distractions and Intuition

This is where holding your vision consistently in focus can help set the foundation you need for success. Once you have your vision in focus, you may begin taking steps towards bringing it to life.  Understand that it’ll be easy to be distracted by all sorts of things! People, other activities, social media, entertainment, to-dos,…


Part 1 – Create and connect with the vision

Vision. Goals. Purpose. First you have to build your vision. Figure out what your ideal is? What and how would your life look? How would you be and feel if you created this for yourself? What would you do? Possibly the most important, why would you do it? Taking this path has it’s own unique…
